Company information
As Vinhas do Pinhal, LDA
NIF: 516475819
Owners & managers
Anne-Marie & Laurent Hallez
Estrada municipal 501, N3 7490 - 120 Cabeção Alentejo - Portugal
+33 6 84 65 67 95 / +351 934 845 479 /
The brands and logos appearing on this site are registered trademarks.
They may not be used without the prior written consent of the owners. The reproduction of texts, photos and logos on the site is only authorised for information purposes and exclusively for private use.
Any other use of these reproductions and in particular use for commercial purposes requires the prior written consent of
Design & production of the site
(graphics and texts)
Aloe Vera Agency. + 33 6 43 26 84 13
Hosting and domain name
Domain name:
Site host: WIX - 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 - Tel +1 415-639-9034
Aloe Vera Agency, Encosta do Pinhal.